Have been meaning to update on Owen's surgery, just haven't thought much about it as the healing process has gone so well. Last Friday was two weeks since the surgery that seems like a lifetime ago already. Dr. Stager Jr. did a wonderful job...Owen went in about one thirty on Friday the 5th, and Dr. Stager was out talking to us by 1:50p.m. I was shocked it went so fast. The recovery from anesthesia not so fast, it took Owen a long to wake, and when he did, he cried and cried that he could not see. He wanted so badly to rub his eyes which of course he could not do. The nurses were great and helped calm him down with lots of yummy snacks, and hugs. Once he was able to keep something down without throwing up he was good to go home. It was about five when we got home, he had been sleeping the whole time. Just as we got into the driveway he woke up and was raring to go. The doctor and nurses said he would be sleepy most of the night and whole day following...they didn't know our Owen very well. That night he ate a full meal, talked and played outside, the next morning he was truly bouncing off the walls. There was no keeping him down. I was worried his recovery would be jeopardized.
We had a post op. apt. on Tuesday and I was sure we would get yelled at for not making him rest more. Dr. Stager walked in and was so pleased with what he seen. He said Owen's eyes looked great, just where they should be at this time. I was shocked. Owen asked him when he could swim and Dr. Stager answered..."when does mom want you to swim?" I laughed and said, "whenever you say it is o.k." He then looked at his watch and said, "well, it is getting late today, how about tomorrow?" Owen was so excited. Needless to say we were outside running through the water the next day and on that Friday, just one week from his surgery we were at the pool.
Dr. Stager had originally said that he could not have any water in his eyes for at least ten days, so by telling us he could swim was so excited for all of us.
In the first few days he would tell me that he seen two on me, or two of something else. That has subsided now and we won't go back for another check up until Aug. 17th. Just one week before the kids go back to school.
He continues to do well, and is having a great time this summer. Thank you for all your prayers, calls and e-mails. Sorry it has taken so long to post on this.